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Novena to Saint Peter of Verona, Martyred by Manichean Heretics

Novena to Saint Peter of Verona, Martyred by Manichean Heretics The victory was thine, O Peter! and thy zeal for the defence of holy Faith was rewarded. Thou ardently desiredst to shed thy blood for the holiest of causes, and, by such a sacrifice, to confirm the Faithful of Christ in their religion. Our Lord satisfied thy desire; he would even have thy martyrdom be in the festive Season of the Resurrection of our Divine Lamb, that His glory might add lustre to the beauty of thy holocaust. When the death-blow fell upon thy venerable head, and thy generous blood was flowing from the wounds, thou didst write on the ground the first words of the Creed, for whose holy truth thou wast giving thy life.  . Protector of the Christian people! what other motive hadst thou, in all thy labours, but charity? What else but a desire to defend the weak from danger, induced thee not only to preach against error, but to drive its teachers from the flock? How many simple souls, who were rec...
Novena to ST. JOSEPH, THE WORKER . . . … ( same prayer be said for the next 9 days ) … Glorious St. Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, to you do we come to ask your powerful intercession in obtaining from the merciful Heart of Jesus all the helps and graces that we need for our spiritual and temporal welfare, and in particular the grace of a happy death and the special favor we now implore (MENTION YOUR INTENTION). Guardian of the Word Incarnate, we know with confidence that your prayers on our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God and that God will grant us whatever is for His greater glory and for our greatest good. Glorious St. Joseph through your love of Jesus Christ and for the glory of His name, Hear our prayers and ask God to grant our petitions. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH FOR WORKERS . . . Lord God, You have created all things, and imposed on man the necessity of work. Grant that, following Joseph’s example, and under his protection, we may ac...

God accepts us in our lowliness as Heaven’s Servants

GOD ACCEPTS US IN OUR LOWLINESS AS HEAVEN’S SERVANTS Heaven is so kind to Humanity that God the Father sent Our Lord Jesus as God the Son, as our loving example to unite as a Holy Spirit of God’s Love for the least of all people; But Heaven is so generous that God also sent Mother Mary as the mother of Lord Jesus, that we may all have a mother in Heaven that Mother’s Love be the cause of our joy; That the closeness of Mother Mary to the Child Jesus may also be shared upon us all, that through her intercession we may approach God rather as children in need of love; As the yearning of our Heart to be God’s Children that we may become meek and humble, and through the Holy Rosary we may unite as a people of prayer in childlike innocence; For with Mother Mary who also helped Our Lord Jesus to grow with much compassion, so we too may have all Heaven’s blessings as to be cared for as children in need of love; That Our Lord Jesus Christ may also be in the image of a Child Jesus as our...

It’s time for you to know the St. Joseph’s virtue

It’s time for you to know the St. Joseph’s virtue St. Joseph’s Virtues ( Words of Our Lady to St. Bridget of Sweden ) “St. Joseph was so reserved and careful in his speech that not one word ever issued from his mouth that was not good and holy, nor did he ever indulge in unnecessary or less than charitable conversation. He was most patient and diligent in bearing fatigue; he practiced extreme poverty; he was most meek in bearing injuries; he was strong and constant against my enemies; he was the faithful witness of the wonders of Heaven, being dead to the flesh and the world, living only for God and for Heavenly goods, which were the only things he desired. He was perfectly conformed to the Divine Will and so resigned to the dispositions of Heaven that he ever repeated” May the Will of God ever be done in me!” He rarely spoke with men, but continually with God, whose Will he desired to perform. Wherefore, he now enjoys great glory in Heaven.” God bless everyone. Please...

Remember the Catholic Priest in Titanic.....

Father Thomas Byles Fr Byles was walking on the upper deck praying his breviary when the Titanic struck the iceberg. As the ship was sinking, he assisted many third-class passengers up to the Boat Deck to the lifeboats. He reputedly twice refused a place on a lifeboat. Toward the very end, he recited the rosary and other prayers, heard confessions, and gave absolution to more than a hundred passengers who remained trapped on the stern of the ship after all of the lifeboats had been launched. Fr Thomas Byles the priest in the Titanic was described by Pope Pius X as a martyr for the Church Several years ago I used to take Holy Communion to a retired ship’s radio officer who had first gone to sea in 1918. I asked him why he had chosen that particular profession. His answer was immediate: “It was the Titanic – I remember it so well. The Marconi operators remained at their post until the end, and I was inspired by their heroism.” Although by then aged 97, my parishioner spoke a...

Dear TOUCHY-FEELY fellow priest, by Rev. Fr. Chito Dimaranan

Dear TOUCHY-FEELY fellow priest, 1. I would appreciate it if you could tone down on all references to yourself via touchy-feely statements like: a) “My brothers and sisters, the gospel of the Lord!” (It is the Church that proclaims the Gospel, not you. You are just a mortal medium). b) “My brothers and sisters, let us give ourselves the sign of peace.” We know that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, but then again, it is not you who open the faucets and floodgates of peace, but Christ, who was the original one who said “Peace be with you.” Whilst the Mass is celebration of the sacrament of love par excellence, our love for God and for each other is not centered on you. 2. I would also appreciate it if you could refrain from making the Eucharistic Prayer (the most solemn portion of the Eucharistic celebration) appear like you are delivering an ORATION or a DECLAMATION. Your empty, inane, and dramatic gesticulations of hands going up and down, sideways and forward, distr...

Is their any Catholics in communion with the Holy See who are not under the Roman or Latin Rite that we have?

Is their any Catholics in communion with the Holy See who are not under the Roman or Latin Rite that we have? Is their any Catholics in communion with the Holy See who are not under the Roman or Latin Rite that we have ? The answer is YES……. and  some of the are came from Orthodox origin and they are across the globe   So here is the List of Catholic churches (with corresponding no. of members) of Orthodox origin who are now in full communion with the Holy See 1. Coptic Catholic Church (174,000 members) 2. Eritrean Catholic Church (165,000 members) 3. Ethiopian Catholic Church (610,000 members) 4. Maronite Church (3.4 Million members) 5. Syrian Catholic Church (205,000) 6. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church (436,000) 7. Armenian Catholic Church (736,000) 8. Albanian Greek Catholic Church (3,800) 9. Belarusian Greek Catholic Church (7,000) 10. Bulgarian Greek Catholic Church (10,000...

A GLIMPSE OF PURGATORY by Sister M. de L.C., written from 1874-1890

A GLIMPSE OF PURGATORY (From the manuscript of Sister M. de L.C., written from 1874-1890) To get an idea of how Purgatory is arranged, we can get a good glimpse of it from a nun from France who had died on February 22, 1871 at the age of 36, and 2-1/2 years later (in November 1873) she began appearing from Purgatory to a fellow nun in her convent, named Sister M. de L.C (name kept anonymous in the manuscript to protect the nuns identity, as the manuscript was published while the nun was still living) as related in the booklet “An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory” published by The Reparation Society of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Inc., 2002: “I can tell you about the different degrees of Purgatory because I have passed through them. In the great Purgatory there are several stages. In the lowest and most painful, it is like a temporary hell, and here there are the sinners who have committed terrible crimes during life and whose death surprised them in that state. It was alm...

St. Bernard of Clairveaux on the Holy Name of Mary

St. Bernard of Clairveaux on the Holy Name of Mary O man, whoever you are, if you realize that in the whirlwind of this world, far from walking on firm ground, you are driven hither and thither by storms and tempests, turn not your eyes from this bright Star, if you do not want to be swallowed up by the hurricane. If the winds of temptation are stirred up, if you encounter dangers and tribulations, look at the Star, and invoke Mary: “respice Stellam, voca Mariam”! If you are shaken by waves of pride, ambition, criticism or jealousy, look at the Star and invoke Mary! If anger, avarice, or the seductions of the flesh stir up a storm in your soul, cast a glance towards Mary, “respice ad Mariam”. If troubled by the enormity of your crimes, confused by the weight of the sins on your conscience, you feel yourself slipping into the whirlpool of sadness and the abyss of despair, then think of Mary, “cogita Mariam”. In perils, in anguish, in perplexity, think of Mary, invoke Mary. Let He...

Act of Consecration to Mary Immaculate

O Immaculata, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, whom God has made the treasurer of His mercy, I, an unworthy sinner, throw myself at thy most holy feet and humbly beseech thee to accept me, whole and entire as thy property and possession. To thee, O Mother, I offer all the faculties of my soul and body, and I place my life, my death and my eternity in thy hands, that thou may use my entire being according to thy will. Use me, O Immaculate Virgin as thou will, to fulfill that which was written of thee – “She shall crush thy head”, and “Thou hast destroyed all heresies in all the world”. Deign that I may become in thy most pure and merciful hands a useful instrument to make thee known and loved by so many erring and indifferent souls, and also to increase as much as possible the number of those who truly admire and love thee in order that the Kingdom of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus may be spread throughout the world. This I can do, O Most ...


CONSECRATION  TO  ST. JOSEPH  AND  TO  THE  HOLY  FAMILY O Jesus, sweetest and most adorable Savior! True God and true man, I adore Thee profoundly in the most Holy Trinity during eternity; and I adore Thee also in the virginal bosom of Mary, Thy most immaculate Mother, and in the arms of St Joseph, Thy virginal Father.  I give Thee thanks that Thou hast delivered me from the cruel slavery of the devil. On earth, Thou didst submit Thyself to Mary and Joseph in all things; grant that I may be Thy faithful slave through humble submission to them. My sweet Jesus, I have failed Thee many times, but now I beg Thee the grace to submit myself in all things to Thy foster father St. Joseph and to Thy most pure and merciful Mother. Oh most tender and sweet Mother; I love thee with my whole soul and my whole strength. I leave in thy pure hands all that I possess and shall possess – my heart, my soul, my merits, my acts, though...

Act of Consecration of the Family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Ceremony of the Enthronement All gather around the images of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. Priest blesses the image. If priest is not available, the images should be blessed beforehand. The Blessing of the Pictures or Statues V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who hath made heaven and earth. V. The Lord be with thee. R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. Almighty, everlasting God, Thou dost not forbid us to represent Thy saints in stone or paint, so that, as often as we look upon their likenesses with the eyes of the body, we may with the eyes of the mind meditate upon their holiness and be led to imitate their deeds. In Thy kindness, we beg Thee to bless and sanctify these pictures (statues), meant to honor and call to mind the Most Sacred Heart of Thy only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Most Holy Mother. May all who in their presence humbly strive to serve and honor Thy only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Chr...

Pope St. Pius X’s Prayer to the Immaculate Virgin Mary

Pope St. Pius X’s Prayer to the Immaculate Virgin Mary O Most Holy Virgin Mary, who didst find favor in God’s sight and hast become His mother; O Virgin, Immaculate in body and soul, in thy faith and in thy love, look down with pity on the wretched who in our need seek thy powerful protection. The evil serpent on whom was cast the primal curse continues, alas, to attack and ensnare the poor children of Eve. But thou, our Blessed Mother, our Queen and our Advocate, thou who from the first instant of thy conception didst crush the head of this cruel enemy, receive our prayers. United to thee with one heart, we beseech thee to present them before the throne of God. May we never be caught in the snares around us, but rather may we all reach the harbor of salvation. Despite the awesome perils which threaten, may God’s Church and all Christian society sing out once again the hymn of deliverance, of victory and of peace. Amen.  (Pope St. Pius X) God bless everyone. Please visit u...